Cricket for all ages in a picturesque
Competitive and social cricket for all ages
in the heart of Abingdon
Adults, and juniors from 13+, play league cricket on Saturdays in our four teams, covering a wide range of abilities, ages, and experiences. Our youth teams play and train on weekday evenings and Sunday mornings, with teams and game-modes for all ages from 5 to 15.
Latest News
This best way to keep up with all the latest news from the Cricket Club is via our social media accounts and further details of these accounts can be found at the bottom of this page.
Club Newsletter
We publish newsletters throughout the cricket season which provide updates on all of our teams.
Previous editions can be found by clicking on the below links.
Contact Us
Hales Meadow
Hales Meadow, Culham Road,
Abingdon, OX14 3HP